Zhu Sinaing
Age: 20
Height: 5’9
Weight: 143 lbs.
Eye color: Gray, (Red when powered up)
Hair color: Dark Brown
Occupation: Tech Engineer, Battle Suit MMA Fighter
Powers: The Sword of the Sentinel - She has the ability to conjure blade-like hard light that can penetrate anything on Planet Earth. As a master of combat, she can manipulate 8 spiritual weapons. She is one of the smartest engineers in the world, creating her own battle mech suit at a young age.
Species: Human
Class: Sector 1
Hobbies: Robotics, Engineering, Battlesuit MMA, board games
Character Reference: Iron Man, Samurai Jack
Bio: Growing up, Zhu was always the smartest in her class. She actually finished the school system at the quickest pace, 10 years 5 months. Upon completion, she was left to her own devices, literally. She would spend her free time engineering new concepts that would eventually become household items. The government even hired her to lead the manufacturing of various robotics and other mechanical advances.
Born to China’s top cartoon animator and top Battlesuit MMA warrior, Zhu always lived a luxurious life, although she never really cared for it. She loved to watch her father animate silly characters or ones that resembled her hero, her mother. She loved to help her mother repair her suit and watch her kick ass in the rings. Things go awry when her mother takes a lethal blow, dying during a fight. To avenge her death, Zhu joined the league, unbeknownst to her opposing father, with the goal to become champion.