Age: 21
Height: 5’8
Weight: 156 lbs.
Eye color: Orangish, Bright Orange (when powered up)
Hair color: Black with White Streaks
Occupation: None
Powers: The Feet of the Sentinel - Chafa runs faster than the fastest speed of light. With slight of hand and other skills learned from Nomine Ignotum, Chafa can be everywhere and nowhere at once. Be careful not to get kicked by him though because along with speed, he also inherits super strong Sentinel kicks. In addition, Chafa has mastered the Disruptor Chain. This multifaceted chain has multiple functions for both offense and defense, ie., Shocking, Gravitation Multiplier, Heat Binding etc. When fully focused, Chafa impossible to be touch.
Species: Human
Class: Unknown
Hobbies: “Shopping”, Rollerblading, Eating junk food, Parkour, Running on water
Character Reference: Kid Flash, Nightwing
Bio: John and his pregnant wife Patricia were on the run in Death City. They managed to keep pace, separating themselves from their attackers with every step they took. That is, until her water broke. They parted off to a secluded area where Patricia pushed Chafa out as quickly as she could. With the attackers approaching, they decided to leave Chafa in a nearby box tucked away. After escaping the area, they were quickly hunted down. Later that night, a few people were walking past the area were Chafa lays hidden. A sudden nearby noise grabbed their attention. They discovered Chafa and brought him back to their home, Nomine Ignotum.